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Celebrate National Garden Month!

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Did you know April is National Garden Month? The month-long observance brings gardeners, gardening groups, and those new to gardening together to share tips and offer support for a bountiful season! Below are a few resources to help you celebrate gardening – 

  1. USDA Team Nutrition garden resources: Team Nutrition has compiled lesson plans, activities, and posters to help you celebrate gardening.
  2.  School Gardens: Planting Seeds for Life Long Learning brochure: The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction shares the benefits of gardening as well as tips to help you start. 
  3. Growing Safer Gardens Guide: This NC Cooperative Extension guide helps you achieve food safety while in the garden.
  4. NC Cooperative Extension School Garden resources: This page has resources to help you get started as well as garden-based curricula to help you on your gardening journey.
